Premier lawn care services in Edmonton and Calgary

Professional Lawn Care Services

Affordable Lawn Care Services by College Lawn Care

Premier lawn care services in Edmonton and Calgary

feel free about your lawn again

Our Story and Mission

College Lawn Care, established in 2001 in Edmonton, excels in expert lawn mowing, yard care, and landscaping services for residential and commercial properties. Our dedicated team of university and college students integrates educational goals with premium horticultural services.

College Lawn Care originated from a vision to support students by providing opportunities to fund their education while gaining practical experience in the horticultural and landscaping industry. Since its inception, the company has been committed to excellence and educational support.

Core Values

Our Commitment to Excellence

Quality Lawn Care Services in Edmonton and Calgary offered by college and university students

Quality Service

We prioritize top-notch service delivery and attention to detail in every aspect of our lawn care and landscaping work, ensuring customer satisfaction and beautiful properties.

Educational Support

We believe in empowering students by offering them opportunities to pursue their educational goals through meaningful work experiences and financial aid for their studies.

Community Partnership

We are dedicated to fostering strong relationships within the community by providing professional landscaping services that enhance the beauty and value of local properties.

Hiring college students from College Lawn Care not only ensures a well-maintained lawn but also contributes significantly to their education. These students, majoring in related disciplines, benefit in several ways:

Tuition Assistance

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

By employing them, homeowners directly contribute to their tuition funds, easing the financial burden of higher education.

Real-World Experience

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

Practical lawn care work allows students to apply classroom knowledge, enhancing their skills and understanding.

Networking Opportunities

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

 Interacting with clients and neighbors fosters valuable connections, which can lead to internships or future career prospects.

Discipline and Time Management

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

Balancing studies and lawn care teaches time management and resilience.


Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

Experienced landscapers become mentors, passing down wisdom and practical insights.

In supporting these students, homeowners invest not only in their lawns but also in the growth and development of the next generation of professionals.

Skill Development

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

Lawn care isn’t just about pushing a mower—it involves understanding soil composition, plant health, and seasonal variations. By working with experienced landscapers, students gain practical skills that complement their academic knowledge.

Financial Independence

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

any college students juggle part-time jobs with their studies to cover expenses. By offering lawn care opportunities, homeowners empower students to earn their way through college, fostering financial independence.

Community Engagement

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

College students become integral parts of the local community. They engage with homeowners, learn about neighborhood dynamics, and contribute positively to the environment. It’s a symbiotic relationship where lawns flourish, and students thrive.

Environmental Stewardship

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

Through sustainable lawn care practices, students learn about conserving resources, minimizing waste, and promoting biodiversity. They become stewards of green spaces, advocating for eco-friendly solutions.

Community Pride and Aesthetics

Quality Lawn Care by College Lawn Care. Serving Edmonton and Calgary

When homeowners choose college students for lawn care, they contribute to the overall beauty and pride of their community. Well-maintained lawns enhance curb appeal, create a positive neighborhood atmosphere, and inspire others to take pride in their outdoor spaces.

At College Lawn Care, we take pride in nurturing our student lawn care staff through a structured and supportive system. Our approach combines practical field experience with expert mentorship, ensuring that each student thrives both professionally and personally.

When a college student joins our team, we pair them with seasoned landscaping professionals. These mentors have weathered the seasons, battled stubborn weeds, and sculpted lawns into works of art. Their wealth of field experience becomes a valuable resource for our students. Our students don’t just read textbooks; they roll up their sleeves and step onto the grass. Under the watchful eye of their mentors, they learn the nuances of lawn care—the precise angle for edging, the delicate balance of fertilizer, and the art of diagnosing ailing shrubs. It’s hands-on education at its finest.

Imagine a student learning the secret dance of aerating soil while the sun sets. Or deciphering the cryptic language of different grass species. Our mentors pass down these practical skills—the kind that can’t be taught in lecture halls. They share shortcuts, troubleshoot challenges, and instill a love for the green canvas they work upon. Beyond grass blades, our mentors emphasize soft skills. How to listen to a homeowner’s concerns, how to explain the benefits of overseeding, and how to leave a lawn not just manicured but also hearts satisfied. Our students learn that lawn care isn’t just about grass; it’s about people and their green dreams.

In summary, at College Lawn Care, we cultivate not only lawns but also future professionals. Our students graduate with more than a degree—they carry the scent of freshly mowed grass, the camaraderie of a well-pruned team, and the wisdom bestowed by mentors who believe in growth from the ground up. 

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